Odour Control within the municipal limits and Air Control in industrial sectors is an everyday concerns. Odour nuisance or Air Pollution doesn’t stop at the site boundary. It can disturb the relationship with neighbors, can cause environmental problems, or adds to health and safety risks. The list of volatile compounds seems endless.
In the municipal sector, there is a serious concern about the odor aspect. Sulphur-based components such as hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans, as well as ammonia & amines, are the major components to remove.
In Industries, we have acidic fumes like Nitric, sulphuric, HF, and other chemicals like Chlorine, SO2, amines, silicates, aromatic compounds, etc. which are very harmful along with micron and sub-micron particulates of dust, ash, etc.
ERG Bio-trickling filters provide a high efficiency, sustainable odour control system for small to medium flows. Used as stand-alone packages, or with Dry Media polishing filters, ERG's bio-trickling filters provide trouble-free odour control for highly contaminated, small to medium air flowrates (15000 m3/hr)
Filled with durable, bio-inert pumice media, a specially selected cocktail of bacteria, enzymes and nutrients are pre-seeded into the bio-trickling filter to ensure there is a rapid development of the odour neutralising bacteria which colonise the pumice bio-media. The bacteria digest the odour causing compounds, which typically include H2S, mercaptans, organic sulphides, soluble VOCs and ammonia.
The optimized environment for bacterial activity is maintained by controlled irrigation with filtered final effluent, or water dosed with low level nutrients if no final effluent is available.
You will find yourself working in a true partnership that results in an incredible experience, and an end product that is the best.
+91 6352457165