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Seibold (Austria)

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Seibold Wasser ( Austria) Heavy Metal Analysers

Colorimetric technology measures light absorption at specific wavelengths.

Colorimetric technology is suitable for online measurements of heavy metals in water. After adding reagents to the sample, the parameter to measure will built a coloured complex. The intensity of the color is direct proportional to the concentration. The colour absorption is measured by a photometer at a specific wave lenght

The 6-point calibration connects absorptions and concentration. Between calibration points the results will be interpolated.

Aluminum (Al) Nickel (Ni)
Chromium (Cr) Silver (Ag)
Cobalt (Co) Tin (Sn)
Copper (Cu) Zinc (Zn)
Iron (Fe0) NH4, NO2, NO3,
Lead ( Pb) PO4, S2-, CaCO3
Manganese (Mn) Florine, Chlorine
Mercury (Hg)
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Seibold Case Study Frankenbrunnen/Germany. Potable Water:


Automated, continuous measurement of Iron, Manganese and Nitrite.

13 sample streams, full range from raw water to processed water: Measurement ranges from low ppb to high ppm.

Connected to and controlled by Siemens visualisation via Profinet.


Model COMPOSER Joseph Lanner, Online-Analyser für Iron and Manganese.

Measurement Range: 0-10mg/L Mn/Fe.


Automated dilution when concentration exceeds threshold value. Standard Addition und i-point Standard Addition. 6-Point Calibration. Test- measurements to ensure measurement quality

Seibold Case Study Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris Lead Pb

Measurement of Lead at two sites.

Unkonow measurement range, complex sample matrix.

Turbidity measurement.

Under close observation.


Modell COMPOSER Georg Furxner, Online-Analyser for Lead.

Measurement range: 0-2mg/L Pb.


Automated dilution when concentration exceeds threshold value.

Standard Addition und i-point Standard Addition.6-Point Calibration.

Test-measurements to ensure measurement quality.

Seibold Case Study Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris Lead Pb

Automated, unattended and continuous measurement of Arsen.

Inlet and outlet of water treatment plant. Therefor high difference in concentrations, sample conditions and sample matrices.

Warning and Alarm signals vis 2V and concentration 4-20mA. Failsafe operation, 24/7.

Difficult to get there: in the Peruan Andes over 3000m elevation.


Modell COMPOSER Wilhelm Kienzl, Online-Analyser for Arsenic.Measurement range: 0-0.2 / 2.0 ppm As.


Automated dilution when threshold value is passed. Standard Addition und i-Point Standard Addition. 6-Punkt Calibration. Test measurements zo ensure measurement quality.

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